Software and presentations
R package "NeEDS4BigData" for subsampling big data <link>
Bayesian design for sampling anomalous spatio-temporal data <link>
Bayesian design with sampling windows <link>
R package "SSNdesign" for pseudo-Bayesian optimal and adaptive sampling designs on stream networks <link>
R package "SSNbayes" for Bayesian spatio-temporal modelling on stream networks <link>
Sequential Monte Carlo for Bayesian sequential design for Copula models <link>
Laplace-based sequential Monte Carlo algorithm for Bayesian adaptive design <link>
Bayesian design for minimising uncertainty in model-based predictions in spatial processes <link>
Evaluating the total entropy utility function within a sequential Monte Carlo design framework <link>
3/9/2024: Australasian Applied Statistics Conference <slides>
2/2/2023: Talk for AusTRIM <slides>
13/12/2018: Invited talk at CEDA2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan <slides> (presented by PhD student Pubudu Thilan)
10/09/2018: Invited seminar at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy <slides>
28/07/2018: Invited talk at JSM2018, Vancouver, Canada <slides>
16/04/2018: Invited talk at SIAM UQ18, Los Angeles, USA <slides>
29/06/2017: Invited seminar at University of Southampton, Southampton, UK <video>